Version 0.3.7, 2024-06-20 ----------------------------- - bump laravel, phpunit & cruise to latest versions - remove certify gh actions - optimize gh 'tests' action Version 0.3.6 | 2024-06-17 ----------------------------- - bump dependencies to latest version - bump base php docker images to use new tags - bump nginx proxy & webservers to v1.27 Version 0.3.5 | 2024-05-28 ----------------------------- - bump nginx webservers from v1.25 to v1.26 Version 0.3.4 | 2024-05-23 ----------------------------- - bump dependencies to latest versions Version 0.3.3 | 2024-05-07 ----------------------------- - security related dependency upgrades Version 0.3.2 | 2024-04-25 ----------------------------- - upgrade dependencies - add support for PHP 8.2 - add support for Laravel v10 - add support for PHP 8.3 - add support for Laravel v11 - bump base docker images to latest versions Version 0.3.1 | 2024-04-24 ----------------------------- - fix database credentials Version 0.3.0 | 2024-04-24 ----------------------------- - update GitHub actions & dev env scripts Version 0.2.12 | 2022-03-7 ----------------------------- - add deferred loading of YouTube video embeds to improve page load times Version 0.2.11 | 2022-03-03 ----------------------------- - optimize loading of YouTube video embeds by adding 'lazyloading' Version 0.2.10 | 2022-03-02 ----------------------------- - fix issue with broken webpack builds getting included in Docker images Version 0.2.9 | 2022-03-02 ----------------------------- - fix issue with 'content' section rendering incorrectly - add new GitHub action for automatically rebuilding webpacks Version 0.2.8 | 2022-03-01 ----------------------------- - optimize yarn dependencies & reduce static front-end assets - add 'social' table for storing & retrieving social media accounts Version 0.2.7 | 2022-02-22 ----------------------------- - optimize webpack builds by adding use of custom yarn packages to reduce static sourcecode Version 0.2.6 | 2022-02-18 ----------------------------- - fix issue with 'content' section background image not covering on large screens Version 0.2.5 | 2022-02-17 ----------------------------- - add beta setup for - add 'Thinking about starting a podcast?' call-to-action that uses dzparallax image bgs Version 0.2.4 | 2022-02-16 ----------------------------- - fix issue with local TicTok thumbnail urls not working Version 0.2.3 | 2022-02-16 ----------------------------- - add new meta image with text - fix font sizes by decreasing from 18 to 16 - optimize TikTok retrieval by adding caching to data requests & saving the thumbnails to the local disk - fix 'Thinking about starting a podcast?' alert so it only appears over the 'podcasts' section Version 0.2.2 | 2022-02-15 ----------------------------- - add use of google analytics - add 'Thinking about starting a podcast?' alert to the landing page - fix issues with the x-axis padding in the about section text Version 0.2.1 | 2022-02-15 ----------------------------- - fix domain name from 'ryanlynch28' to 'ryanisreallypolite' Version 0.2.0 | 2022-02-15 ----------------------------- - fix instagram social link to new account name - fix 'about' sections to use new copies - fix podcasts intro blurb - add instagram, youtube & tiktok links for the Oops podcast - fix order of 'TikTok' & 'Video Sketches' sections so that tiktok is first - add background image to 'content' section Version 0.1.9 | 2022-02-08 ----------------------------- - bump Laravel framework to the latest major version release (v9) Version 0.1.8, 2022-02-02 ----------------------------- - fix AWS Elastic Beanstalk application & environment names Version 0.1.7, 2022-01-31 ----------------------------- - bump Docker, composer & yarn dependencies Version 0.1.6, 2022-01-31 ----------------------------- - make basic test suite for confirming the landing page successfully loads - add copyright footer with app version & link to changelog Version 0.1.5, 2022-01-28 ----------------------------- - fix issues with meta tags Version 0.1.4, 2022-01-28 ----------------------------- - fix SEO meta tags - add slider button directing to 'about' section - add email link to footer - add use of 'lazyloading' package for improving page load times - add use of green theme colors Version 0.1.3, 2022-01-27 ----------------------------- - add use of production DB connection - add custom favicon Version 0.1.2, 2022-01-27 ----------------------------- - enable use of SSL certificates Version 0.1.1, 2022-01-27 ----------------------------- - fix issues with deployment config - add use of 'do-not-purge' blade for ensuring needed CSS are not purged - add use of SSL certs & production DB connection Version 0.1.0, 2022-01-27 ----------------------------- - initial application release - add initial scaffolding & boilerplating